Protect Your Piercings: Advice for Healing and Care
The era when ear lobes were the default spot for piercings is behind us. Today, piercings are a form of self-expression with endless possibilities — but they also come with the risk of infection if not cared for properly. Our experts share their tips for looking after your body art through every stage of healing to ensure your adorned skin stays healthy and beautiful for years to come.
Piercing Prep
The most important choice to make is who will do your piercing. “Make sure you see a professional, so the procedure is done with proper precautions and sterile instruments to reduce risk of infection,” says Michele Farber, MD, board-certified dermatologist at Schweiger Dermatology Group in Philadelphia.
A qualified piercer in a licensed studio will determine if you and your skin are in shape for the procedure. “I would not recommend getting a piercing if you are experiencing a flare of acne, eczema or other inflammatory skin condition — or if you are feeling ill or have a runny or irritated nose,” advises Rachel Nazarian, MD, board-certified dermatologist at Schweiger Dermatology Group in New York City. “Getting a piercing when your skin is irritated or inflamed can increase the risk of infection and certainly increases the risk of poor healing.”
Set Yourself Up for Success
Opting for quality metals can positively impact your experience. “Jewelry that is made of titanium, 14- or 18-karat gold or implant-grade stainless steel can reduce risk of allergic reactions, and it’s wise to avoid nickel or cobalt,” says Dr. Farber, which can cause reaction in some people.
It’s also critical to confirm that before the piercing takes place, the site will be cleansed thoroughly, ideally with alcohol, to prevent infection. “Skin harbors a lot of bacteria naturally, and it’s very important to sterilize before the piercing,” says Dr. Nazarian. “Areas with more cartilage like the upper ear or nose are also potentially more prone to infection because of reduced blood supply, so it is extra important to keep these areas clean,” she adds.
Without exception, leave the jewelry in for the entire duration of healing so the piercing does not close. Healing can last from six weeks to several months depending on the location. Typical estimates are:
- Ear lobe: Up to 6 weeks
- Ear or nose cartilage: 6 to 12 months
- Eyebrow: 3 to 6 months
- Belly button: 9 to 12 months
Daily Cleaning Ritual
Once your piercing is in, be diligent about caring for the wound. Dr. Nazarian advises her patients to avoid soaping the wound, which can cause more irritation. “Instead, use saline soaks twice a day, every day, throughout the healing process,” she says. “It’s incredibly important to avoid manipulating the area and the jewelry, which can cause microtears in the skin and prevent adequate healing.”
The following steps from the American Academy of Dermatology are recommended twice a day:
- Wash your hands thoroughly before cleaning the piercing.
- Gently wash with a mild, fragrance-free cleanser or saline at least once a day.
- Thoroughly rinse your piercings after washing them.
- Avoid using hydrogen peroxide or antibacterial soaps.
- Apply a thin coat of petroleum jelly around each opening.
- Watch for signs of infection.
In addition, to minimize the chance of irritating your piercing:
- Avoid lying on the area as much as possible.
- Do not touch the piercing aside from cleaning it.
- Do not rub or twist earrings to prevent infection or irritation.
During the healing process, some itching is normal. Avoid scratching to prevent irritation and support proper healing.
When Infections Happen
Even with diligence, infections happen. “If a piercing becomes red, warm or tender, get evaluated for infection and see your dermatologist if you have any issue with scarring or keloids [growth of extra scar tissue] around a piercing to consider treatment options,” Dr. Farber notes.
And throughout the healing process, keep an eye out for signs of infection including:
- Redness
- Swelling
- Oozing
- Increased tenderness in and around the piercing.
If you experience any of these symptoms, check in with a dermatology provider immediately. “If your piercing gets infected, most physicians will request the piercing is removed for your own safety and healing,” says Dr. Nazarian. “Occasionally, the piercing may be left in, and topical or oral antibiotics will be prescribed for several days.”
If you have any concerns regarding the healing of your piercing, make sure to contact your dermatology provider or physician immediately, she says. “The earlier you treat, the better you will heal.”
Piercing Care at Schweiger Dermatology Group
Ensure your piercings heal completely and remain healthy by consulting with one of our providers who can discuss piercing care, create a customized care routine and address any issues that may occur.
To make an appointment, call or text (844) DERM-DOC / (844) 337-6362 or book your appointment online.