Chemical Peel Benefits: The Cosmetic Skin Care Treatment You Should Be Getting

How a Chemical Peel Might Just Transform Your Skin
By Salma Pothiawala, MD, MPH, cosmetic and medical dermatologist at Schweiger Dermatology Group.
Chemical peels are a wonderful way to improve your skin’s appearance; they can be effective at improving brown spots, acne, fine lines and wrinkles, and giving your skin that overall “glow.” Chemical peel benefits are seemingly endless.
In terms of how a chemical peel actually works, the chemical applied functions to exfoliate the outer layers of the skin, which triggers natural peeling of the skin a few days after the treatment is applied. After the peeling is complete, you are left behind if with clearer, smoother, and more vibrant skin. There are various types of chemical peels performed by our team of skin care professionals at Schweiger Dermatology Group, and the most appropriate one for you depends on your skincare needs. Here’s a look at the types of chemical peels we use in our offices:
Glycolic Acid Peel
A Glycolic Acid peel is a superficial alpha-hydroxy acid (AHA) peel that is great for improving dark spots, acne, fine lines, and overall skin texture. AHAs are fruit acids derived from citrus fruits or sugar cane. It’s a superficial peel with a short recovery period; peeling usually lasts several days. The best results are achieved with a series of treatments, usually one month apart.
Jessner’s Peel
A Jessner’s peel is slightly deeper than a AHA peel, targeting the epidermis and the superficial dermis. It’s designed to improve more extensive skin damage than an AHA peel. It contains a combination of compounds, salicylic acid, resorcinol, and lactic acid. Jessner‘s peels are good for people with lighter skin complexions who suffer from mild to severe acne, lines, and uneven skin tone.
Vi Peel
The Vi peel is a special type of chemical peel offered at Schweiger Dermatology. It contains a mix of ingredients that are effective at improving acne, reversing signs of aging and sun damage. It is great for people who suffer from melasma and uneven skin tone. It also stimulates the production of collagen and elastin in the dermis, which will help to soften fine lines and wrinkles. Peeling usually lasts about a week. The Vi peel is a wonderful overall peel to achieve a vibrant glow. Similar to other peels, optimal results are obtained with a series of peels.
Salicylic Acid Peel
Lastly, salicylic acid peels are optimal for people with acne. Salicylic acid is a beta hydroxyl acid (BHA) derived from Willow bark. It’s great for acne because it breaks down oil and sebum and therefore can get right into pores. It’s commonly performed on the face and back.
Chemical peels are an excellent option to address a lot of common dermatologic concerns that most people suffer from: uneven skin tone, acne, and signs of aging. With the peels discussed above, peeling usually occurs for about 5-7 days. Aftercare includes moisturizing the skin and using sunscreen. Chemical peel benefits can last for months, which is why this is one cosmetic treatment that is worth the trip to the dermatologist’s office.
Dr. Pothiawala sees patients out of our Midtown West and Upper West Side locations in Manhattan. She specializes in chemical peels, as well as Botox, dermal fillers and laser rejuvenation procedures. Contact us now to book an appointment with her.