Fat Cells After A CoolSculpting Procedure
Fat cells after a CoolSculpting procedure decrease in number by 20 to 25 percent in treated areas.
The body processes the treated fat cells as follows:
- Fat cells freeze and start to die off
- Fat cells collapse during cell death
- Other cells consume the dead fat cells
- Dead fat cells are naturally processed and eliminated
- The treated fat cells do not migrate to another area of the body.
Difference Between Losing Weight and Losing Fat
The difference between losing weight and losing fat is about what happens to fat cells. While losing weight makes fat cells smaller, it does not make them go away.
Typically, by your teenage years, your body has a fixed number of fat cells. When you lose or gain weight, you do not necessarily decrease or increase that number of fat cells, but rather your fat cells change in size. See the diagrams below.
Fat Cells After Typical Weight Loss
Fat cells get smaller when you lose weight, and get bigger when you gain weight. The number of fat cells, however, stays the same
How Your Body Processes Fat From Food
How Your Body Processes Fat Cells After CoolSculpting Treatment
CoolSculpting for a Thinner, Slimmer You
After a CoolSculpting treatment, you may actually look thinner without seeing a change in your weight. CoolSculpting is not a weight-loss treatment; it is about body shaping, helping you lose unwanted fat, and looking slimmer in your clothes.
Treated Fat Cells are Gone for Good
The best part about CoolSculpting is that treated fat cells are gone for good. The end result is a more sculpted you! You will love how much your clothes fit, feel and look better.
CoolSculpting at Schweiger Dermatology Group in NY, NJ, PA, CT, FL, IL, MN and MO
The Schweiger Dermatology Group offers CoolSculpting at various office locations in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Minnesota and Missouri. Don’t delay another day. Contact us at (844) DERM-DOC to schedule your consultation.