The Safe, Quick & Cheap Alternative to Plastic Surgery: BOTOX
You begin to notice those wrinkles across your forehead, creases near your eyes, and laugh lines that just won’t go away, and want a solution to get rid of them – and fast. Plastic surgery is an invasive, very-costly procedure to remove any undesired lines, so thankfully there’s the quicker and more affordable alternative: BOTOX®.
How BOTOX® Works
BOTOX® is an FDA-approved cosmetic treatment that patients can have injected into their muscles to treat wrinkles and facial creases. It is used for cosmetic purposes, as a temporary solution to lessen the visibility of crow’s feet around the eyes and frown lines. A dermatology provider injects a small amount of the BOTOX® solution via a syringe into the patient’s desired facial area to help alleviate age lines and wrinkles.
BOTOX® injections take minutes to complete at the doctor’s office, and between 7-10 days for the muscle relaxation to take effect, which will last around 4-6 months.
BOTOX® to Soften the Jawline
Patients who want to have a more narrow jaw, or whose jaw has widened and increased in size over time due to clenching of the masseter muscle in the side areas of the jaw, can have it “softened” or reduced with BOTOX® treatment.
BOTOX® will be injected via needle into the masseter muscle under the cheekbones by a dermatologist, it will then weaken those muscles within minutes. The size of the jaw will decrease over time.
Like all BOTOX® procedures, the results will last 3-4 months, though with continued injections, the muscle will begin to atrophy over time due to lack of use, and the jaw will stay narrower.
“Regular treatments over time will even lead to muscle hypertrophy, meaning that the muscle loses strength and volume as it is used less and less over time,” Dr. Eric Schweiger explained.
BOTOX® for Gummy Smile
For people who might feel self-conscious about their gummy smiles (showing too much of their top gums while smiling), BOTOX® injections can be used to reduce the visibility of gums when you grin.
Patients can see a dermatologist to reduce the gummy smile with a simple injection: BOTOX® will be inserted into the muscles of the upper lip, and by weakening those muscles it will lower the elevation of the top lip, and reduce the amount of gums visible when smiling.
BOTOX® Eye Lift
There’s no need to go under the knife to get rid of that dreaded heavily-lidded eyebrow look. With the combined treatment of BOTOX® and Thermage, the brow area can be lifted with a few injections and radiofrequency treatment.
The Thermage treatment prompts collagen regeneration, tightening and lifting the skin at the targeted brow area, while BOTOX® injections will weaken and relax eyelid muscles. The combo effect will lift the eyelids, and shape around the eyes to give the patient a less tired look.