Jeremy Fenton, MD
About Jeremy Fenton, MD
Dr. Fenton received his undergraduate degree from Yale University, graduating magna cum laude. After his completion of a Post baccalaureate Premedical Program at Columbia University, Dr. Fenton attended the NYU School of Medicine, where he received the prestigious Marion B. Sulzberger Award for excellence in dermatology. Dr. Fenton trained in internal medicine at Lenox Hill Hospital in NYC and completed his dermatology residency at Vanderbilt University, where he was chosen to serve as chief resident.
2020 - 2024
Prior to pursuing a career in dermatology, Dr. Fenton worked as a financial analyst in prominent NYC-based investment banking and private equity firms.
Education & Training
- Undergraduate degree from Yale University (Magna Cum Laude)
- NYU School of Medicine, where he received the prestigious Marion B. Sulzberger Award for Excellence in Dermatology
- Residency at Vanderbilt University, where he was chosen to serve as chief resident
- Medical Director for Schweiger Dermatology Group
- Practicing dermatology for 15+ years
- Clinical Instructor at Mount Sinai Hospital
- Board-Certified Dermatologist
Watch Dr Jeremy Fenton providing botox to a patient
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location_onLong Beach
location_onPark Ave